Crossword Dungeon 1.1 in the Works

The long-in-coming 1.1 update to Crossword Dungeon is currently in the works. The main focus of this update is to bring the game to iPad with Universal support, as well as adding 200+ more words, fixing bugs, improving performance, and tweaking the balance.
Universal support
The single most requested feature for Crossword Dungeon upon its release was iPad support. Though the game can be played on iPad, it does not gracefully use the larger screen space, nor fit its dimensions.
Bugfixes and graphical updates
There is one major game-stopping bug (you know the one) that I am committed to tracking down for version 1.1. In addition, working on a slew of new pixel art for my latest project, Adventurers, has led me to revise some details of the characters, logo, icon, etc.: mostly minor, but worth throwing into this update.
Content and credits
Other than bugs and lack of universal support, lack content’s been players’ chief complaint with Crossword Dungeon, so every update I’ve committed to add at least 100 new words. I’ve enlisted a few helpful folks to this end, whom will be thanked in the new “Credits” screen.
Tweaking the balance
The balance tweaks in this version are mostly dealing with managing the player’s power growth relative to the levels’ difficulty scale. In the current version, it is rather common to make it well-past level 25, a point which I had originally intended to be the endgame.
Out with Cocos2d, in with Sparrow
You might have seen me post a number of tweets on this topic with regards to Adventurers. More recently, however, as I’ve picked Crossword Dungeon back up, I’ve also made the call to “port” it to the Sparrow framework, from the rather painful-to-use Cocos2d. The details as to why are lengthy and non-project-specific enough to deserve their own article, also in the works. 🙂
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