Crossword Dungeon 1.1 Submitted
March 26th, 2014

Crossword Dungeon update 1.1 has just been submitted to the Apple App Store for review. This version was rewritten entirely in an effort to port the code from from Objective-C with Cocos2d to AS3 with Starling, allowing for multiplatform support as well as easier maintenance.
This version, although unfortunately not supporting older saves, is an Universal app, which means that it supports iPad out of the box!
Here is a more thorough list of the major changes:
- Added over 100 new words.
- New monsters: The Boar, the Wraith, and the Ogre Mage.
- New algorithm for picking words ensures they are repeated less often.
Gameplay Tweaks:
- Lowered XP from Magic Attacks.
- Lowered Magic Attacks from Scoundrel’s Cheat skill.
- Stealth is now removed only if you are hit.
- Text and sprites are now guaranteed to always be drawn with crisp pixels, never anti-aliased or blurry.
- Per popular request, the “X” has been better differentiated from the “H”.
- Beetles are now red to better differentiate them from Boars.
- New splash screens.
- New (cosmetic) magic missile for the Ogre Mage’s ranged attack.
- 10-pixel threshold is now checked on touches to prevent unwanted dragging.
- Small font is now a little bigger and more readable.
- Added a Credits screen.
Bug fixes:
- Save files should now load reliably!
- Monsters are now loaded at the correct opacity.
- Medium and Large fonts now support commas and apostrophes.
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