Crossword Dungeon Update 1.0.1 in Flight

Developing and releasing Crossword Dungeon has been an amazing learning experience. Mobile, iOS, Objective C, Cocos2d, and a solo commercial release were all personal firsts, and releasing within a fairly tight window (for personal and motivation reasons) meant a good number of items slipped by untested. Update 1.0.1 has been submitted to the App Store for review, and contains the following changes:
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug: Continue Game no longer produces empty level/UI.
- Fixed bug: Game no longer crashes during late level generation.
- Fixed bug: Player can now properly descend after an arrow or Whirlwind attack kills the monster on the exit tile.
- Fixed bug: Professional skill now levels up correctly.
- Fixed bug: Tapping quickly to move no longer triggers First Strike multiple times.
- Fixed bug: Monster info (tap-hold) can no longer be brought up on a tile with a stealthed monster.
- Fixed bug: Potion damage bonus (from Scoundrel’s Envenom skill) is now being applied.
- Fixed bug: Monster’s Stun effect is no longer being applied on a miss.
- Fixed bug: Defense of over 100 is no longer causing player to always be hit.
- Added content: 100 new words.
- Corrected content: “ridley”, wrong hint.
- Corrected content: “constantine”, hint too long.
- Corrected content: “scute”, missing hint.
- Corrected content: “jovial”, misleading hint.
- Corrected content: “monday”, ethnocentric hint.
- Corrected content: “liter”, ethnocentric spelling.
- Balanced: Bumped up Dexterity attack/defense bonus to 10% per level.
- Balanced: Halved Magic attack XP bonus.
- Balanced: Made Scoundrel mid-tier skills more useful.
- Balanced: Tweaked percentages and max levels on Barbarian Tier 1 and Tier 2 skills.
- UI: Added copyright to main menu.
- UI: Added version to main menu.
I’ve also addressed a number of memory leaks, which should help with some of the reported random crashes in the late game that I have been unable to replicate.
I am currently working on the plan for the next update as well as the roadmap for the future of Crossword Dungeons, both of which I will be certain to share soon, along with the official update announcement once this version undergoes Apple’s review.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support and feedback. If you have encountered any other issues outside of those listed above (which are by no means all of the outstanding issues ;)), please send them over my way!
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