Crossword Dungeon v1.1.2 and Updates Towards PC

As I prepare Crossword Dungeon to be released on PC, I will continue to release incremental content updates and bugfixes in the fashion of v1.1.1. This next version, 1.1.2, which has just been submitted to the App Store for review, includes:
- Added over 100 new words.
- New monster: The Kobold.
- Logo slightly tweaked for better readability.
- “You Win” tweaked for better readability.
- “Game Over” tweaked for better readability.
- The player and, if applicable, monster and letter tiles will now jump to better signify when unable to move in the requested direction.
- Tap-holding on Stats and Special Attacks in the Character screen will now pop up helpful informational text.
Bug fixes
- Berzerker Rage status now loads properly when continuing a game.
- Hall of Fame now centers properly.
- Monster info on the topmost row and leftmost column now pops up properly.
Updates towards PC release
In addition to these updates, I’ve begun work on PC-specific bits, such as UI updates, arbitrary window sizes and resizing, and keyboard controls. Even though Crossword Dungeon was designed for mobile from its inception I can honestly say it is a natural fit for keyboard and mouse controls; in fact, I’ve found it hard to go back to touch after implementing keyboard movement and letter selection.
In other miscellaneous news, Crossword Dungeon was assigned a juror for consideration to IndieCade, though I have heard no other news towards its inclusion in the festival. Still crossing my fingers!
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