Coming Soon: The Color Guessing Game

Announcing The Color Guessing Game! A Flash and Papervision3D-driven word game where you battle against the clock to name as many colors as you can remember. Rare colors, those which have only been guessed by a handful of other players, net you the most points, and common colors a meager offering. If the color is not in the system, assign it to a swatch at the end of the game so that it can be added to the list!
The Color Guessing Game was born of a prototype while experimenting with the Papervision3D engine about two years ago. I recently dusted off the source code, originally a proof-of-concept of 3D particles and camera interplay, and built a game framework around it to allow for just what the title implies: guessing colors. The frontend is built in ActionScript 3, and the backend is driven by PHP and MySQL.
The game is currently in the playtesting/polish stage, wherein freshly created music by Caught in a Dream is being added. It should be ready for release within the month!
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