Home of Ebyan Alvarez-Buylla

Crossword Dungeon Now Available for Android, Updated to 1.1.3 on iOS

Crossword Dungeon Now Available for Android, Updated to 1.1.3 on iOS

Crossword Dungeon is now available on Google Play for Android devices!

Version 1.1.3 (which has enough changes in it to have been 1.2) is also up on the iOS App Store. It’s worth noting this update fixes that nasty intermittent bug that would crash your game and ruin your saves!

Crossword Dungeon 1.1.3 In Flight to iOS & Android App Stores

Crossword Dungeon 1.1.3 In Flight to iOS & Android App Stores

I’ve just submitted for review version 1.1.3 of Crossword Dungeon to the iOS App Store as well as begun preparing the entry to the Google Play store for its first Android release!

The price will increase to $3.99 with this update, so if you’ve been putting off grabbing it on iOS, you’ve got a few days to grab it at its current, low price of $2.99.

The following is the list of changes that made it into this version:

Crossword Dungeon Coming to Android

Crossword Dungeon Coming to Android

Interwoven with Guildmaster development I’ve begun to put together the next update for Crossword Dungeon, featuring, at last, an Android release.

The only reason I could summon up for having taken so long to release on Android was lack of familiarity with the platform, which is no more: I’ve purchased the very reasonably-priced Nexus 7 and spent the whole of 10 minutes getting the game running on the device. The planned updates are as follow:

Nolithius 2014 Roadmap

Nolithius 2014 Roadmap

While 2014 up to this point was mostly dominated by the Crossword Dungeon AS3/Starling port, I am taking a short break from that project to collect my thoughts as well as player feedback. I’ve started another project and have a new direction in mind for 2014, details of which follow, roughly in chronological order: